Red, White, and Man, That Was a Long Holiday Weekend

I apologize that this post is a week late, but has taken me a few days to recover from all that holiday time we just enjoyed. Since Independence Day fell on a Tuesday this year, and since Mr. Fix-It had some household projects he was itching to work on, we had ourselves a full five days of staycationing. Five glorious days of quality time, which is fine when we are together in places like the Bahamas, but becomes a bit tedious here in the confines of home sweet home.

To be festive, I bought us star spangled cups, plates, and napkins. We shoved as much summer as we could think of into that loooooong weekend: we grilled out sirloin kabobs one night, hamburgers another evening. We made waffles for sleep-late breakfasts, tomato sandwiches on fresh white bread for lunch, and I stocked us up on plenty of junk food snacks since we all know that holiday calories don\'t count.

Cotton, chilling while we were grilling. And don\'t worry: that\'s not his beer.

We spent time on our deck, sunning ourselves and enjoying mindless reading material, we walked the dog (and stopped for ice cream along the way), we watched lots and lots of television. In our couch potato mode, we blazed through several of what we consider all-American movies: Jaws, Revenge of the Nerds, and Independence Day, to name a few.

Does it get more American?

On July 4th, we ate our sink sandwiches in front of the TV, mesmerized by the annual Nathan\'s Hot Dog Eating Competition in Atlantic City (in case you were left in suspense, past winner and crowd favorite Joey \"Jaws\" Chestnut once again took home the win, managing 72 hot dogs in 10 minutes). Then, we donned our super tacky but ultra-American t-shirts we bought just for the occasion and went to see the USA Baseball National Collegiate team play Cuba. And just to really make it a festive occasion, we stopped and ate some delicious gourmet hot dogs for dinner on our way to the ballpark.

Patriotic wardrobe for the ball game, all ready to wear. We practically reek of class.

Our July 4th dinner at JJ\'s Red Hots, as seen on Food Network\'s Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives.

Clint\'s meal. Our apologies in advance to his doctor as this was a slight breech
from his low-sodium diet plan.

We wrapped up our five day fete with a win over Cuba and (but of course) a fireworks display. To recap, that was sun, fun, hamburgers, hot dogs, grilling out, stars and stripes, tacky t-shirts, watermelon, tomato sandwiches, ice cream, baseball, fireworks, movies, television, gossip magazines, and a dash of home improvement. If it gets more \'Merica than that, I\'m afraid I don\'t have the energy.

Stars, stripes, and headed to the ball game. 

I hope everyone had a fun and fabulous fourth! Maybe I\'ll be rested and recovered by the time Labor Day weekend rolls around!


A Game of Thrones Evening


Mixology Class